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Great crested grebe on the Old Rhine
View from Rührberg down to Serrnussweg in Wyhlen
Watergate at the Power Station Grenzach on the Rhine river

Infrastruktur vor Ort

Local Infrastructure

Hier wollen wir einen kurzen Überblick geben, welche Infrastruktur Sie in unserer Nähe finden. Sie möchten kurz beim Bäcker vorbeischauen, um frische Brötchen für's Frühstück zu holen? Oder Ihr Auto durchsehen lassen, während Sie dienstlich in Basel zu tun haben? Sie möchten einen Gottesdienst besuchen? Die folgenden Entfernungs-Informationen und Links helfen hier weiter. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol Website, um zur Webseite, und auf Kartenansicht, um zur Karte zu gelangen.

Here we would like to give you a short overview about the local infrastructure that is nearby our house. You would like to drop in into bakery to buy some fresh bagels for breakfast? Or you would like to get a car service while you are in Basle for business? You would like to visit a church service? The following distance information and links will help you. Just click on the little icon Website to open the website, and on Map View to show in a map how to get there.

  • Ärzte:
    Doctors & Physician:
  • Geschäfte:
    Shops & Stores:
    • Bakery: 650m Map View and 700m (in Edeka Supermarket) Website Map View
    • Butchery: 700m Map View
    • Pharmacy: 700m Website Map View
  • Supermärkte:
    • Penny: 500m Website Map View
    • Hieber (Edeka): 700m (small) Website Map View and 2,5km (large) Website Map View
    • Lidl: 2,5km Website Map View
    • Aldi: 5,2km Website Map View
  • Banken:
    • Sparkasse: 700m Website Map View
    • Volksbank: 750m Website Map View
    • Deutsche Bank: 3,2km Website Map View
  • Restaurants:
    • German Cuisine: 550m Website Map View, 800m Website Map View, 900m Map View and 1,2km Website Map View
    • Italian Cuisine: 3,2km Map View
    • Chinese Cuisine: 3,2km Map View
    • Greek Cuisine: 3,4km Map View
  • Kirchen und Gemeinden:
    Churches and Congregations:
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church: 500m Website Map View
    • Catholic Church: 1,3km Website Map View
    • Chrischona Congregation: 3,1km Website Map View
    • Free Evangelical Church Loerrach: 13km Website Map View
  • Dienstleistungen & Sonstiges:
    Services and Other Infrastructure:
    • German Post Mailbox: 400m Website Map View
    • Public Outdoor Pools: 3,8km Website Map View
    • Library: 3,3km Website Map View
    • Barbershops: 700m Map View, 700m Map View
    • Garage (all brands): 350m Website Map View
Start: Serrnussweg 22, D-79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen